Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt and Their 2 Babies - A Special Interracial Family

It's got to be difficult traveling all over the world with
Maddox, Shiloh, Zahara, and Pax, but Brangelina manages to pull it off.

It is heard that Angelina Jolie and Pitt are shutting each other out. Angie had called Pitt ‘stupid’ when it comes to finances.
Angie is also upset with Pitt because she does not want him to have a ‘Guy’s night out’, which he has been regularly been doing.
Angie is not fond of on of Pitt’s close friends but Pitt constantly keeps meeting him and this annoys Angie very much.
Angie doesn’t get along well with Pitt’s friends and this is creating problems between the couple.

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